I’m Lindsey Curry
Speaker, Bestselling Author, and Professional Shift Talker
Let’s Get Our Shift Together!
Bestselling Author
“HOLY SHIFT! A No Nonsense Guide To Stop Fronting & Embody The Person You Were Meant To Be.”
Lindsey Curry, wife, mom of 5, a trained dancer, choreographer and Creative Director for her dance studio over the past 24 years. She’s an online Entrepreneur, Best-Selling Author, Reiki Master & Thought-leader.
Get Holy Shift Now
Book Lindsey
Let’s Connect
Hear Me Out!

Who Is Lindsey
Lindsey Curry, Bestselling Author, Speaker, Trained Dancer, Choreographer, Entrepreneur, Thought-leader, Wife, and Mom of 5 brings decades of lessons learned that will make you laugh, cry and best of all take you to the next level of your evolution. She brings a fierce wit to topics such as fear of failure, self-acceptance, and what it really means to be yourself shamelessly. She is an ember carrier that holds just the right spark to ignite your fire within. Get ready because her new book Holy Shift! Is the powerful breath of fresh air you’ve been waiting for!
Holy Shift! Is Here…
Look, Sis, if you’re experiencing a higher than usual amount of mental or emotional tension in your life, business, or both, take this opportunity to reassess. Throughout this book, I share the many shifts I made to create a more peaceful mindset which naturally gives you a higher quality of life. Notice that I said nothing about money. Money follows. It should never lead. Your focus should be on what’s working and what’s not working. What feels aligned and what feels not aligned? Once you identify the things that are no longer working or aligned, be courageous enough to let them go. Even if you don’t know what to do next … Let it go.

spi-R.I.C.H.-ual Is Live!
15 Days to freedom from being stuck.
Working “harder” isn’t the answer. If it was, all the rich people would be out of breath running from task to task instead of traveling the world and flying private. Let’s turn that hustle to flow, hard to happy, and help you get the life you deserve to have.
In This Course You Are Gonna…
- Turn your dreams into actionable steps using my spiR.I.C.H.ual Formula
- Create your roadmap to success
- Discover what exactly is blocking you and how to unblock it
- Find out specifically what is draining your energy and how to fix it
- Learn how to maximize your time without exhausting yourself and get so much more done
- Learn how to let go of the past
- Gain a new level of confidence
Hear Me Out…
It Used To Be A Hustle
Grit & Grace
Keep Showing Up
Give Yourself Permission
Evolution Requires A Shift
What Do You Stand For?